Why is health insurance necessary while studying abroad

Your to-do list seems never-ending as you prepare for your significant international trip. While missing to get your overseas student health cover (OSHC) can result in significant problems, forgetting to pack your preferred brand of sunscreen is a trivial oversight.

Why is health insurance necessary while studying abroad? And how can you pick a strategy that is practical for you? Let's begin immediately. An OSHC can distinguish between a large medical bill and a tolerable expense.

The Importance of Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

The Australian government mandates that the majority of international students studying in Australia must have OSHC for the entire duration of their studies in order to fulfill visa requirements, with only three exceptions mentioned below:

  • Norwegian students covered by the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme,

  • Swedish students covered by Kammarkollegiet, and

  • Belgian students who are covered under the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement with Australia.

Obtaining OSHC is a requirement for most international students in Australia, as it provides essential health insurance coverage throughout their studies. Failing to secure this coverage can lead to substantial medical bills, quickly becoming unmanageable.

To understand the importance of OSHC, consider a scenario where an international student joins a local cricket league and sustains a head injury during practice. Without OSHC, seeking professional medical treatment can result in a significant financial burden. However, with OSHC, the student can receive proper medical attention without incurring an exorbitant expense.

Typical OSHC plans offer coverage or partial payment for various medical expenses, such as:

  • hospital visits (including fees for doctors, surgeons, or anaesthetists),

  • appointments with a general practitioner or specialist, and

  • purchasing prescription medication.

Not only will having health insurance while traveling save you money in the event that something goes wrong, but it will also give your family back home peace of mind. They'll be aware that if you get hurt while traveling, someone will be there to take care of them without having to worry about paying expensive medical bills.

Your OSHC will guarantee that you remain content and healthy while traveling!

How to get the right OSHC plan?

While international students in Australia are generally required to have OSHC, they can choose their insurance provider. To secure the right plan, comparing the different coverage options is important. One platform that can help students compare all Australian government-approved providers in one place is BookOSHC.

Our unique platform allows students to compare policies from various providers based on their features and price, ensuring they can decide on the best OSHC plan for their needs.

If you want to learn more about BookOSHC's offerings, you can contact us at +61 433 195 430 or write to us at [email protected]

Get a quote now to take the first step toward securing the right OSHC coverage for your studies in Australia!

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